Thursday, 26 March 2015

Take A Daily Nap To Improve Your Energy

Tip #120: Take A Daily Nap To Improve Your Energy

If you’re like most of us, a perfect night’s sleep is the exception rather than the norm.How many days per week are you able to get 8 plus hours of solid sleep? 

One of the best ways to revitalize your energy is through a daily 20-30 minutes nap. NASA performed a study and found that a 40 minute nap improved alertness by 100%. Another study on airplane pilots revealed that when tired, those who took a 25 minute nap ended up dozing off only 20% as much as if they remained sleep-deprived.
Here are some other “napping” benefits:
  • Improves memory and learning
  • Works to prevent burnout
  • Heightens creativity
  • Puts you in a better mood
How often do you takes naps and do they help? Let us know in the comments section below.

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